Shri Shankaracharya Professional University

IQAC Overview

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About Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)

In pursuance of the National Action Plan of the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), Bangalore, the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) was constituted in SSPU on January , 2023 with the aim of working towards realization of the goals of quality enhancement and sustenance through internalization of quality culture and institutionalization of best practices.

One of the important functions of IQAC is to develop realistic and attainable quality benchmarks for every Academic and Administrative activity. Benchmarking means fixing standards for all activities on the basis of its own practices and the experiences of others. One of the most critical functioning of IQAC is to keep the University abreast and abuzz with Quality Sustenance activities on a wide gamut of pertinent issues through Workshops / Seminars / Case Studies / Group Discussions / Demonstrations / Panel Discussions / Symposia etc.


Programs conducted by IQAC

Following programs were organized in recent past with an initiative of IQAC

  1. SSCPS organized Industrial Visit Program for B. Pharm and D. Pharm students 03rd January and 17th January 2024.
  2. SSCPS Organized a One Day National workshop for Graduate/ Postgraduate students, Research associates, PhD scholars, Faculties of Various disciplines. Dr. Ravi Shrivastava, Dr. Rajesh Chaudhary and Dr. Jaya Shree Delivered their lecture in the workshop.
  3. The IQAC of the University organized a Workshop on National Education Policy – 2020 on 24th February 2024. Prof. (Dr.) G.A. Ghanshyam was present as the guest speaker in this occasion. He provided a detailed information about the need, importance and implementation of NEP in any institution of higher education. It was a fabulous presentation which all the faculty members and many students of the University were present.
  4. The Faculty of Science & Faculty of Life Sciences with an initiative of IQAC of the University organized an International Seminar on Indigenous Technologies for ViksitBharat@2047 on 29th February and 1st March 2024. In this two days event, model competition, Poster Competition, Oral paper presentation, and Pharmacy Exhibition were there.

Kamla Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, One of the constituent unit SSPU has organized 1st International Conference on Prospect for Radio-Pharmaceuticals and Nuclear-Medicine on 27 & 28 February 2024. This conference was technically sponsored by Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, Mumbai. The conference received good response in terms of registrations. Dr. Yojna (Ex-BRIT, DAE), Dr. Santosh Verma (School of New Energy Yulin University, China), Dr. V. K. Maurya (Professor, GCP, Aurangabad) and Dr. Shekhar Verma (Professor, GGU, Bilaspur) were the key note speaker in this occasion.


Outcomes of IQAC Activities

Outcomes of IQAC Activities


Accreditation – NAAC (In process)

All India Survey for Higher Education (AISHE)

Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)

Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR)



S. no




On Day Seminar On National Science Day



One Day Workshop On Cyber Security And Women Safety



Seminar on Managing stress through yoga for modern age



One day online workshop in collaboration with RGNIIPM (Govt of        India, Nagpur) on the topic intellectual Property Rights and Patent design Filing



Importance and awarenaess of traditional and alternative medicine

25-26 Aug -2023


One day workshop on carrier guidance



Techexploration meetup

13-21 OCT2023


On  5th Feb 2024  SSCPS Organised a one-day National Workshop in association with Indian Pharmacy Graduate Association on statistical data analysis

5th Feb 2024 


Two Days International Seminar On National Science Day conducted by science department

29th Feb to 1st March 2024


On 29th   Feb 2024 SSCPS Faculty development program on teaching skills by Prof. V.K. Mourya



One Day National Workshop in association with Indian Pharmacy Graduate Association on 5th Feb 2024.



Online National workshop on Happiness



Webinar on IPR policy



International conference

28-29 Nov,2024


🌐 International Seminar on “Modern Research & Innovation in Sciences”

Department Of Basic Sciences/Life Science | 01 April 2023 to 31 March 2024

To celebrate the occasion of National Science Day on 28.2.23, Department Of Basic Sciences, Shri Shankaracharya professional University (SSPU) has organized International Seminar on “Modern Research and Innovation in Sciences”.

There were two eminent guest speaker Dr. Sunil Kumar (Research Scientist, State Key Laboratory Agricultural Genomics, China) , And Dr. Rajnikant Sharma, Scientist C, Central Ground, Water Board Ministry jalshakti, Raipur. 250 students participated from various colleges and universities. Various competitions were organized with science theme like poster presentation, model, drawing, quize and one minute talk show.


πŸ‘¨‍🏫 Seminar on Stress Management

SSCPS Organized seminar on Managing stress through yoga for modern age on 24th April 2023 , the Session was Delivered By Mr. Akshay Sharma. Students Learned about how to manage stress to become successful in life.


πŸ“ Online Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights(IPR) & Patent Design Filing

4th May 2023-SSCPS organized one day online workshop in collaboration with RGNIIPM (Govt of India, Nagpur) on the topic intellectual Property Rights and Patent design Filing.


πŸ“ One Day Workshop on Carrier Guidance

ONE DAY WORKSHOP ON Carrier Guidance in I.T Sector- 01.09.2023 Dept. of computer science -There C.E.O/Director (Mr. Suresh Rao), V.P (Mr. Sanjay Sharma) of ANION Softech Pvt. Ltd are encourages to the students always become regular in each academic part to get bright carrier in I.T sectors. Memento of “SHRI SHANKARACHARYA PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY” is given to C.E.O/Director (Mr. Suresh Rao) of ANION Softech Pvt. Ltd.


🌐 International Seminar (National Science Day)

29th Feb to 1st March 2024

Science Day which is celebrated every year on 28th February to mark the discovery of Raman Effect by Indian scientist Dr. C V Raman. This day provides us with an opportunity to reflect on the incredible advancements made in Science and Technology. Thus, this program was aimed to inspire young minds towards Science and Technology and promote scientific temper. The event aimed to spark interest in the field of science, provide students with a platform to showcase their research, and highlight the importance of scientific advancements in societal progress.

The Science Day Seminar and Research Presentation were a resounding success, providing valuable insights into the latest scientific advancements. The diverse topics presented at the seminar sparked thought-provoking discussions and highlighted the importance of research in addressing global issues. There were 250 student participants from various colleges and universities who participated in various competitions with science theme like poster presentation, model, drawing and talk show. In valedictory function winners from each competition 1st, 2nd and 3rd position were awarded along with cash prizes, certificates and memento.


πŸ‘¨‍🏫 National Workshop 2024 on Statistical data Analysis using Graph Pad Prism

  • Shri Shankaracharya college of Pharmaceutical Sciences, A constituent unit of Shri Shankaracharya Professional University organized a One Day National Workshop in association with Indian Pharmacy Graduate Association on 5th Feb 2024.
  • Dr. Atul Nasa, National President, IPGA and Dr. Manju Singh, President IPGA C.G. were invited as Special Guest.
  • Dr. Manju Singh Mam graced the workshop and delivered a lecture on the theme.
  • More than 50 Postgraduate students, Research Scholars, and Faculties of Various disciplines participated in the workshop.
  • Dr. A K Jha sir VC SSPU has also given the best wishes after successful conduction of the workshop. Dr. Swarnali Das Paul Mam being the convenor of the workshop has addressed the gathering with her motivational words.
  • Dr. Ravi Shivastava, Dr. Rajesh Chaudhary and Dr. Jaya Shree Delivered their lecture in the workshop on the statistical data analysis.